Produkt zum Begriff Art:
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
The classic guide to how computers work, updated with new chapters and interactive graphics"For me, Code was a revelation. It was the first book about programming that spoke to me. It started with a story, and it built up, layer by layer, analogy by analogy, until I understood not just the Code, but the System. Code is a book that is as much about Systems Thinking and abstractions as it is about code and programming. Code teaches us how many unseen layers there are between the computer systems that we as users look at every day and the magical silicon rocks that we infused with lightning and taught to think."- Scott Hanselman, Partner Program Director, Microsoft, and host of HanselminutesComputers are everywhere, most obviously in our laptops and smartphones, but also our cars, televisions, microwave ovens, alarm clocks, robot vacuum cleaners, and other smart appliances. Have you ever wondered what goes on inside these devices to make our lives easier but occasionally more infuriating?For more than 20 years, readers have delighted in Charles Petzold's illuminating story of the secret inner life of computers, and now he has revised it for this new age of computing. Cleverly illustrated and easy to understand, this is the book that cracks the mystery. You'll discover what flashlights, black cats, seesaws, and the ride of Paul Revere can teach you about computing, and how human ingenuity and our compulsion to communicate have shaped every electronic device we use. This new expanded edition explores more deeply the bit-by-bit and gate-by-gate construction of the heart of every smart device, the central processing unit that combines the simplest of basic operations to perform the most complex of feats. Petzold's companion website,, uses animated graphics of key circuits in the book to make computers even easier to comprehend. In addition to substantially revised and updated content, new chapters include:Chapter 18: Let's Build a Clock!Chapter 21: The Arithmetic Logic UnitChapter 22: Registers and BussesChapter 23: CPU Control SignalsChapter 24: Jumps, Loops, and CallsChapter 28: The World BrainFrom the simple ticking of clocks to the worldwide hum of the internet, Code reveals the essence of the digital revolution.
Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Korean Art from 1953: Collision, Innovation, Interaction
Korean Art from 1953: Collision, Innovation, Interaction , The first comprehensive survey to explore the rich and complex history of contemporary Korean art - an incredibly timely topic Starting with the armistice that divided the Korean Peninsula in 1953, this one-of-a-kind book spotlights the artistic movements and collectives that have flourished and evolved throughout Korean culture over the past seven decades - from the 1950s avant-garde through to the feminist scene in the 1970s, the birth of the Gwangju Biennale in the 1990s, the lesser known North Korean art scene, and all the artists who have emerged to secure a place in the international art world. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 59.02 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Computer Security: Art and Science
The Comprehensive Guide to Computer Security, Extensively Revised with Newer Technologies, Methods, Ideas, and Examples In this updated guide, University of California at Davis Computer Security Laboratory co-director Matt Bishop offers clear, rigorous, and thorough coverage of modern computer security. Reflecting dramatic growth in the quantity, complexity, and consequences of security incidents, Computer Security, Second Edition, links core principles with technologies, methodologies, and ideas that have emerged since the first edition’s publication. Writing for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and IT professionals, Bishop covers foundational issues, policies, cryptography, systems design, assurance, and much more. He thoroughly addresses malware, vulnerability analysis, auditing, intrusion detection, and best-practice responses to attacks. In addition to new examples throughout, Bishop presents entirely new chapters on availability policy models and attack analysis. Understand computer security goals, problems, and challenges, and the deep links between theory and practiceLearn how computer scientists seek to prove whether systems are secureDefine security policies for confidentiality, integrity, availability, and moreAnalyze policies to reflect core questions of trust, and use them to constrain operations and changeImplement cryptography as one component of a wider computer and network security strategy Use system-oriented techniques to establish effective security mechanisms, defining who can act and what they can doSet appropriate security goals for a system or product, and ascertain how well it meets themRecognize program flaws and malicious logic, and detect attackers seeking to exploit them This is both a comprehensive text, explaining the most fundamental and pervasive aspects of the field, and a detailed reference. It will help you align security concepts with realistic policies, successfully implement your policies, and thoughtfully manage the trade-offs that inevitably arise. Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Preis: 78.1 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art
Often referred to as the “black art” because of its complexity and uncertainty, software estimation is not as difficult or puzzling as people think. In fact, generating accurate estimates is straightforward—once you understand the art of creating them. In his highly anticipated book, acclaimed author Steve McConnell unravels the mystery to successful software estimation—distilling academic information and real-world experience into a practical guide for working software professionals. Instead of arcane treatises and rigid modeling techniques, this guide highlights a proven set of procedures, understandable formulas, and heuristics that individuals and development teams can apply to their projects to help achieve estimation proficiency. Discover how to: Estimate schedule and cost—or estimate the functionality that can be delivered within a given time frame Avoid common software estimation mistakes Learn estimation techniques for you, your team, and your organization * Estimate specific project activities—including development, management, and defect correction Apply estimation approaches to any type of project—small or large, agile or traditional Navigate the shark-infested political waters that surround project estimates When many corporate software projects are failing, McConnell shows you what works for successful software estimation.
Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
Cracconch-Malware ist eine Art schädlicher Software, die Computer oder Netzwerke infizieren kann.
Cracconch-Malware ist eine gefährliche Art von Schadsoftware, die dazu verwendet wird, Computer oder Netzwerke zu infizieren. Sie kann sensiblen Daten stehlen, Systeme beschädigen oder den Zugriff auf wichtige Informationen blockieren. Es ist wichtig, Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu treffen, um sich vor solchen Bedrohungen zu schützen, wie regelmäßige Software-Updates, das Vermeiden von verdächtigen Links und das Installieren von Antivirenprogrammen. Im Falle einer Infektion ist es ratsam, sofort Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Malware zu entfernen und den Schaden zu begrenzen.
Was ist die Verbindung zwischen Hardware und Software beim Computer?
Die Verbindung zwischen Hardware und Software beim Computer besteht darin, dass die Hardware die physischen Komponenten des Computers wie Prozessor, Speicher und Festplatte umfasst, während die Software die Programme und Anwendungen umfasst, die auf der Hardware ausgeführt werden. Die Hardware ermöglicht es der Software, ausgeführt zu werden, indem sie die notwendigen Ressourcen bereitstellt, während die Software die Anweisungen und Daten enthält, die von der Hardware verarbeitet werden.
Software oder Hardware?
Die Entscheidung zwischen Software und Hardware hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Software bietet oft mehr Flexibilität und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, während Hardware möglicherweise eine bessere Leistung und Stabilität bietet. Letztendlich hängt die Wahl von den spezifischen Anforderungen und Zielen des Projekts ab.
Welche Art von Computer-Netzteil hat 14 Pins?
Ein 14-Pin-Netzteil wird normalerweise für spezielle Anwendungen oder Geräte verwendet, wie zum Beispiel einige Server oder industrielle Computer. Es ist nicht die gängigste Art von Netzteil und wird in der Regel nicht in Standard-Desktop-Computern oder Laptops verwendet. Es ist wichtig, das richtige Netzteil für das spezifische Gerät zu verwenden, um Kompatibilitätsprobleme zu vermeiden.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Art:
Art of Software Security Testing, The: Identifying Software Security Flaws
State-of-the-Art Software Security Testing: Expert, Up to Date, and Comprehensive The Art of Software Security Testing delivers in-depth, up-to-date, battle-tested techniques for anticipating and identifying software security problems before the “bad guys” do. Drawing on decades of experience in application and penetration testing, this book’s authors can help you transform your approach from mere “verification” to proactive “attack.” The authors begin by systematically reviewing the design and coding vulnerabilities that can arise in software, and offering realistic guidance in avoiding them. Next, they show you ways to customize software debugging tools to test the unique aspects of any program and then analyze the results to identify exploitable vulnerabilities. Coverage includes Tips on how to think the way software attackers think to strengthen your defense strategy Cost-effectively integrating security testing into your development lifecycle Using threat modeling to prioritize testing based on your top areas of risk Building testing labs for performing white-, grey-, and black-box software testing Choosing and using the right tools for each testing project Executing today’s leading attacks, from fault injection to buffer overflows Determining which flaws are most likely to be exploited by real-world attackers
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Boris FX Continuum Unit Art Looks Software
Mit der Boris FX Continuum Unit Art Looks Software können Sie Ihr Bildmaterial in Cartoons, oder Comics verwandeln, oder andere klassische Simulationen von Zeichen- und Maltechniken kreieren. Kaufen Sie jetzt die Boris FX Continuum Unit Art Looks Software zusammen mit vielen weiteren hochwertigen Produkten von Boris FX online im TONEART-Shop!
Preis: 209.49 € | Versand*: 6.90 € -
Art of Software Security Assessment, The: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
“There are a number of secure programming books on the market, but none that go as deep as this one. The depth and detail exceeds all books that I know about by an order of magnitude.” —Halvar Flake, CEO and head of research, SABRE Security GmbH The Definitive Insider’s Guide to Auditing Software Security This is one of the most detailed, sophisticated, and useful guides to software security auditing ever written. The authors are leading security consultants and researchers who have personally uncovered vulnerabilities in applications ranging from sendmail to Microsoft Exchange, Check Point VPN to Internet Explorer. Drawing on their extraordinary experience, they introduce a start-to-finish methodology for “ripping apart” applications to reveal even the most subtle and well-hidden security flaws. The Art of Software Security Assessment covers the full spectrum of software vulnerabilities in both UNIX/Linux and Windows environments. It demonstrates how to audit security in applications of all sizes and functions, including network and Web software. Moreover, it teaches using extensive examples of real code drawn from past flaws in many of the industry's highest-profile applications. Coverage includes • Code auditing: theory, practice, proven methodologies, and secrets of the trade • Bridging the gap between secure software design and post-implementation review • Performing architectural assessment: design review, threat modeling, and operational review • Identifying vulnerabilities related to memory management, data types, and malformed data • UNIX/Linux assessment: privileges, files, and processes • Windows-specific issues, including objects and the filesystem • Auditing interprocess communication, synchronization, and state • Evaluating network software: IP stacks, firewalls, and common application protocols • Auditing Web applications and technologies This book is an unprecedented resource for everyone who must deliver secure software or assure the safety of existing software: consultants, security specialists, developers, QA staff, testers, and administrators alike. Contents ABOUT THE AUTHORS xv PREFACE xvii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xxi I Introduction to Software Security Assessment 1 SOFTWARE VULNERABILITY FUNDAMENTALS 3 2 DESIGN REVIEW 25 3 OPERATIONAL REVIEW 67 4 APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS 91 II Software Vulnerabilities 5 MEMORY CORRUPTION 167 6 C LANGUAGE ISSUES 203 7 PROGRAM BUILDING BLOCKS 297 8 STRINGS ANDMETACHARACTERS 387 9 UNIX I: PRIVILEGES AND FILES 459 10 UNIX II: PROCESSES 559 11 WINDOWS I: OBJECTS AND THE FILE SYSTEM 625 12 WINDOWS II: INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION 685 13 SYNCHRONIZATION AND STATE 755 III Software Vulnerabilities in Practice 14 NETWORK PROTOCOLS 829 15 FIREWALLS 891 16 NETWORK APPLICATION PROTOCOLS 921 17 WEB APPLICATIONS 1007 18 WEB TECHNOLOGIES 1083 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1125 INDEX 1129
Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
The classic guide to how computers work, updated with new chapters and interactive graphics"For me, Code was a revelation. It was the first book about programming that spoke to me. It started with a story, and it built up, layer by layer, analogy by analogy, until I understood not just the Code, but the System. Code is a book that is as much about Systems Thinking and abstractions as it is about code and programming. Code teaches us how many unseen layers there are between the computer systems that we as users look at every day and the magical silicon rocks that we infused with lightning and taught to think."- Scott Hanselman, Partner Program Director, Microsoft, and host of HanselminutesComputers are everywhere, most obviously in our laptops and smartphones, but also our cars, televisions, microwave ovens, alarm clocks, robot vacuum cleaners, and other smart appliances. Have you ever wondered what goes on inside these devices to make our lives easier but occasionally more infuriating?For more than 20 years, readers have delighted in Charles Petzold's illuminating story of the secret inner life of computers, and now he has revised it for this new age of computing. Cleverly illustrated and easy to understand, this is the book that cracks the mystery. You'll discover what flashlights, black cats, seesaws, and the ride of Paul Revere can teach you about computing, and how human ingenuity and our compulsion to communicate have shaped every electronic device we use. This new expanded edition explores more deeply the bit-by-bit and gate-by-gate construction of the heart of every smart device, the central processing unit that combines the simplest of basic operations to perform the most complex of feats. Petzold's companion website,, uses animated graphics of key circuits in the book to make computers even easier to comprehend. In addition to substantially revised and updated content, new chapters include:Chapter 18: Let's Build a Clock!Chapter 21: The Arithmetic Logic UnitChapter 22: Registers and BussesChapter 23: CPU Control SignalsChapter 24: Jumps, Loops, and CallsChapter 28: The World BrainFrom the simple ticking of clocks to the worldwide hum of the internet, Code reveals the essence of the digital revolution.
Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche Art von Software nutzt ihr am häufigsten?
Wir nutzen am häufigsten Produktivitätssoftware wie Textverarbeitungsprogramme, Tabellenkalkulationen und Präsentationssoftware. Darüber hinaus verwenden wir auch Kommunikationssoftware wie E-Mail-Clients und Instant-Messaging-Apps. Zudem nutzen wir spezifische Software für unsere jeweiligen Aufgabenbereiche, wie zum Beispiel Design- oder Programmierwerkzeuge.
Was ist die sicherste Art, Software zu testen?
Die sicherste Art, Software zu testen, ist die Verwendung einer Kombination aus verschiedenen Testmethoden. Dazu gehören unter anderem automatisierte Tests, manuelle Tests, Code-Reviews und Penetrationstests. Durch die Kombination dieser Methoden können potenzielle Schwachstellen und Fehler in der Software identifiziert und behoben werden, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.
Wie kann man eine neue Art von Computer entwickeln?
Die Entwicklung einer neuen Art von Computer erfordert eine gründliche Forschung und Entwicklung. Zunächst müssen neue Konzepte und Technologien erforscht werden, die die Grundlage für den neuen Computer bilden können. Dann müssen diese Konzepte in einem Prototypen umgesetzt und getestet werden, um ihre Funktionalität und Leistungsfähigkeit zu überprüfen. Schließlich müssen die Ergebnisse analysiert und weiter verbessert werden, um einen marktfähigen Computer zu entwickeln.
Welche Art von Software wird verwendet, Standardsoftware oder Individualsoftware?
Die Art der verwendeten Software hängt von den spezifischen Anforderungen und Bedürfnissen des Unternehmens oder der Organisation ab. In vielen Fällen wird eine Kombination aus Standardsoftware und Individualsoftware eingesetzt. Standardsoftware bietet vorgefertigte Lösungen für häufige Geschäftsprozesse, während Individualsoftware speziell für die individuellen Anforderungen eines Unternehmens entwickelt wird. Die Entscheidung für die eine oder andere Art von Software hängt von Faktoren wie Kosten, Funktionalität und Flexibilität ab.
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